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What I learnt during my first week of business!

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

Must everything be a 10 out of 10 for you, or can you deliver on a 7?

My 7 over 10 approach meant there was still more to do, but of course that was the case, I don't believe you can ever be one hundred percent ready, having all the i's dotted and t's crossed. Perhaps that’s just me though?

During the first week, I had to make some tweaks to my website, spelling and grammar have never been my strength, and given I've got this far, I never really put much weight behind it.

I also needed to double check that my website linked to the platforms I was using to run my email list. A recent acquaintance took some time to run through my website and check that everything worked correctly, feeding back on some kinks that needed smoothing out.

The most challenging part for me was installing all the new software on my new laptop and remembering all the sodding passwords that were now a part of my life. No joke, it took me approximately four days to get all the software sorted. No granted, it wasn't four solid days, it was four days of working my other job, making sure all was going to plan in my family, and you know those life basics of eating and sleeping.

On the fourth day of my new business launching my husband was involved in a serious road traffic collision, which meant my priorities had to immediately switch to my family. Thankfully he didn't receive any life limiting injuries and we are now on a steady road to recovery. Do you know what I was glad of, that I had twenty days’ worth of social media posts already scheduled, so I could grow my audience whilst I was tending to the urgent matters within my family. At the time when I was scheduling, it was, let's be honest, boring, I'm not a fan of admin tasks, but because you never really do know what's going to happen it meant posting on social media wasn’t something that I had to think about among all the other things there were to think about.

So reflecting on my first week in business, what activities do you have to prioritise to make sure things are still running smoothly if you have to take time away from your business, should the unexpected happen.

Ps if you’d like to find out more about my coaching services book in for a chat online to see how my coaching services can help you or your business prioritise and prosper.

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