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What drives your success each day?

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

How could prioritising help you and your business?

Of all the things that need to be done in your business, how do you choose which needs to be done when?

  • Do you focus on the person or the task that shouts the loudest?

  • Do you write out a to do list?

  • Do you follow the urgent/important matrix?

Naturally it can be easy to get caught up in an issue that has arisen and is demanding your attention, but the question here is how do you deal with it. Which leads me to, how often has this focus been at your expense or your business’s.

I’ll keep this short, you’ve probably got a lot to do.

  • Some, can completely ignore it, and crack on as they were?

  • Others could allow it to knock them off track, and deal with it until it's done.

Imagine, if you found a way to make the issue or person know that they have been heard and manage expectations for when you will be able to resolve the issue?

What space could that give you or your business? What else would you then have the time to focus on?

Take a look back over the last month or so, and consider where the bulk of your time in your work has been spent? Consider the following:

  1. Was it where you wanted it to be spent?

  2. How successful were you with achieving your to do list?

  3. What went well?

  4. What didn’t?

  5. What got in the way?

  6. How did you deal with the curve ball?

  7. Looking back now what could you do differently this time?

Now, it’s easy to berate ourselves over what didn’t go to plan, and carry that around with us and let it slow us down. But in reality, what didn’t go well, is done, it’s now a moment of your business’s history. So, in the spirit of letting go, recognise it didn’t go well, and decide what you could do next time should that situation arise?

Then, let's look at what went well? Have a think about:

  1. Why it went well?

  2. How can you replicate that going forward?

  3. Did you make a mental note that you achieved that, instead of just ticking it off your to do list and moving onto the next thing?

Some people plan their weeks ahead, others set up their day each morning, others take the day as it comes? What approach do you take, and what could be more beneficial for you and your business?

Ps if you’d like to find out more about my coaching services book in for a chat online to see how my coaching services can help you or your business prioritise and prosper.

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