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Procrastination, boredom or distraction? What gets in your way the most?

Procrastination, boredom and distraction are all ways in which we can put off doing what we need to do in our businesses. Sometimes it’s not any of these things it’s simply being overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done, the list just keeps getting longer and longer.

We live in a busy world where few take their time, everyone is in a rush to get to somewhere. We are so easily obtainable, it can be hard to get a few moments peace, never mind time to do some actual work that requires concentrating.

As the world keeps turning, the orders still need fulfilled, clients need responded to, invoices need sent, bills need paid, health and safety checks need monitored… never mind what needs to be done at home.

However, all the stuff still needs to be done, or so you tell yourself. I’ll bet some of it needs to be done, of course, but I also make an assumption there are things on that list that don’t actually add value to your business.

Sometimes things are on our list because they used to get us results. Sometimes things are on our list because we are told that they are important things to do in business. Also, sometimes things are on our list because we feel we should do them. Have I mentioned that if you’re using the word “should” for a reason that it needs to be done, it is usually the words of someone else in your belief system.

As a business owner I encourage you to look down your list and see what is currently on there, and truly review how it serves you and your business. Yes, there will be items on the list that you don’t want to do but that will be integral to the running of your business. So these items should stay on your list, but there’s that word should again, so it should only stay on the list if you see value in it being on your list.

For each item consider:

1. Does carrying out this task help with achieving my business goals?

2. When I carry out this task what will the benefit be?

3. When does this task really need to be carried out, now, in 2 days, next week or next month?

4. How long will this task take me?

5. What do I need to put in place, or what needs to happen to get this task done?

Finally give yourself permission to cross off anything on the list that you know you won’t do, having something on the list that you have no intention of doing will rarely boost your morale in achieving your actions, most of the time it will just make you feel crappy that it is still there and you haven’t done anything about it yet?

If you’d like to find out how my one to one coaching session can help you with prioritising within your business so you can prosper, book in for a discovery session where you can find out more.

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